表紙 佐々木孝啓
裏表紙 「武蔵丘陵森林公園」のぽんぽこマウンテンとコリウス畑(滑川町)
ブブどん 佐々木孝啓
にゅーふぇいす 佐々木孝啓 Nikola Aronova Jeanna Pappas Vikash Kumar
サトウマナミ Mariia Bulgakova T.T.
BUBU is a free-contribution magazine that anyone can join in. The participation fee is a thousand yen. Participants get one page to write anything they like.We joined Facebook.
表紙 佐々木孝啓
裏表紙 「武蔵丘陵森林公園」のぽんぽこマウンテンとコリウス畑(滑川町)
ブブどん 佐々木孝啓
にゅーふぇいす 佐々木孝啓 Nikola Aronova Jeanna Pappas Vikash Kumar
サトウマナミ Mariia Bulgakova T.T.
BUBU is a free-contribution magazine that anyone can join in. The participation fee is a thousand yen. Participants get one page to write anything they like.We joined Facebook. 『ブブ』は一人一ページで誰で (10.18)