表紙 駄場みゆき
裏表紙 小平ふるさと村(小平市)
ブブどん 駄場みゆき
にゅーふぇいす 駄場みゆき 有栖 이강민 新ちゃん
BUBU is a free-contribution magazine that anyone can join in. The participation fee is a thousand yen. Participants get one page to write anything they like.We joined Facebook.
表紙 駄場みゆき
裏表紙 小平ふるさと村(小平市)
ブブどん 駄場みゆき
にゅーふぇいす 駄場みゆき 有栖 이강민 新ちゃん
BUBU is a free-contribution magazine that anyone can join in. The participation fee is a thousand yen. Participants get one page to write anything they like.We joined Facebook. 『ブブ』は一人一ページで誰で (10.18)